The CLB Grant 101 | Kaleido Blog Article
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The CLB Grant 101

Kaleido's Blog

Written by: Kaleido

November 19, 2018

What exactly is the CLB?

Canada Learning Bond or CLB is a grant offered by the federal government for low-income families who wish to save for their children’s post-secondary education.

To receive the CLB for their children, all parents need to do is open a registered education savings plan (RESP), an investment vehicle that truly pays off for all families.

Unfortunately, too few families know about the CLB and a lot of money is being left on the table for eligible children. In 2017, only 36.5% percent of eligible children across Canada received this grant (these numbers were 41.9% and 25.9% for Quebec and New Brunswick, respectively), simply due to lack of information.1

Are you among the 64% of Canadians who aren’t pocketing money that’s theirs for the taking?

How much can I get from the CLB?

This grant can reach $2,000. The total amount to which a child is entitled is determined based on the adjusted net family income of his or her primary caregiver (more details further in the article).

An initial sum of $500 is deposited to the RESP at plan opening and an additional $100 is paid each year of eligibility until the child’s 15th birthday.

Can I receive the CLB without having to invest in an RESP?

Absolutely! Kaleido offers eligible families the option to open an RESP solely to receive CLB amounts. There is no sales charge to open this plan and no obligation to invest a single penny.

Is my child eligible for the CLB?

The following conditions must be met to receive the CLB. Your child is eligible for the CLB if he or she:

  • is born after December 31, 2003
  • is a resident of Canada
  • has a valid Social Insurance Number (SIN)
  • is named in an RESP
  • is from a family who is financially eligible

If you don’t have your child's social insurance number (SIN) yet, simply apply to Service Canada.

If I receive the CLB, will I continue to receive my other government benefits?

Rest assured, the CLB (like all other education savings grants) has no impact on other benefits you receive from the Government of Canada.

What does it mean to be financially eligible for the CLB?

Since July 2017, eligibility for the CLB has been calculated based on the adjusted family net income of the child’s primary caregiver and the number of eligible children in a family. The primary caregiver refers to the person eligible for the Canada Child Benefit (CCB).

Families with three or fewer children could qualify for the CLB if their adjusted family net income is equal to or less than the lowest income tax bracket.

In the case of families with more than three children, a more complicated formula applies, but here is a straightforward table of the CLB eligibility criteria for 2023-2024:

Number of Children Adjusted Net Family Income
1 to 3 Less than or equal to $55,867
4 Less than $63,036
5 Less than $70,234
6 Less than $77,433
7 Less than $84,631
8 Less than $91,829
9 Less than $99,027
10 Less than $106,225
11 Less than $113,424
12 Less than $120,622
13 Less than $127,820
14 Less than $135,018
15 Less than $142,216
16 Less than $149,415


To learn more about the eligibility calculations, switch over to the Government of Canada website.

Curious to know if you are eligible to receive the CLB for your child? Contact us online or call 1-877-710-7377.

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Want to learn more?

Talk to a representative to find out if your family is financially eligible for the CLB.