Put your education savings on the fast track thanks to Kaleido and generous government grants.
Every dollar invested earns you 30% to 60% in grants in Quebec (and 20% to 40% in New Brunswick).1
A great way to accelerate the growth of your IDEO+ individual RESP and put you on track for success!
Contribute early to qualify for three $1,000 RESP draws.
Station 1
Make a one-time contribution to an IDEO+ individual RESP.
Station 2
Set up automatic monthly withdrawals into an IDEO+ RESP
(can be changed or cancelled at any time, free of charge).
Station 3
Reach $2,500 in your IDEO+ RESP this year.
Fill out this form so we can schedule a call. Already have an IDEO+ RESP?
1Â Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG) from 20% to 40% and Quebec Education Savings Incentive (QESI) from 10% to 20%. Based on adjusted family income. The maximum annual CESG payment is $600, and the maximum annual QESI payment is $300. The lifetime maximum per beneficiary is $7,200 for CESGs and $3,600 for QESIs. Certain conditions apply. See our prospectus at kaleido.ca.
2 Certain conditions apply. See contest rules.