$25,000 to improve the outdoor schoolyard of the school or daycare

Do you know a daycare centre or school in need of a change?

Take part in the MORE for the Schoolyard contest and enter the school that deserves to have its outdoor schoolyard renovated. The winner will receive a grand prize of $25,000* to improve their schoolyard!

How can I participate?

It’s simple! Please fill in the form below.

Are you a school or daycare staff member?

By entering, you‘ll be entitled to a digital kit you can use to promote the contest in your network.

Share the contest on your social media!

That‘s right, with more entries, the school or daycare of your choice has even more chances to win.

Because the future comes into
play in their schoolyard!

A safe and stimulating outdoor schoolyard can make all the difference in a child’s life. It can help to:

promote their physical and mental well-being through active play;

develop their social skills;

stimulate their creativity and imagination;

support their learning;

and much more!

Jeunes du Monde Elementary School in Terrebonne:

Last Year’s Grand Winner, MORE for the Schoolyard Contest!

Is the school or daycare of your choice eligible?

This contest is exclusively for Centres de la petite enfance (CPEs) in a facility, accredited daycare centres in a facility, and public or private educational institutions offering preschool and/or elementary education in the province of Quebec or New Brunswick. To find out more about eligibility requirements, consult the contest rules.

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Legal Notes

*Subject to compliance with the Contest Rules’ provisions.