Dad and daughter imitating an airplane | Discover Kaleido's RESPs

Kaleido's Family Accompanying Services, a benefit that comes with your RESP

Your Kaleido RESP gives you MORE than just generous grants. It also comes with many perks, for free or at preferential rates. Our exclusive Family Accompanying Services are designed to help every child reach his or her full potential and to help you with the challenges of everyday life1.


Our family finance tips, in the form of videos, web conferences, handy tools and a financial coaching app, will help you take the mystery out of some aspects of the world of finance. Also discover a simple and effective way to purchase life insurance that suits you and your family’s needs, all offered by our qualified partner.


In collaboration with:

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Tutoring and Academic Support

Tutoring, homework help, speech therapy, language stimulation, remedial education and summer classes at preferential rates will improve your child’s educational performance.

In collaboration with :

Coaching and Family Life

Tips from our psycho-education and family coaching partners, in the form of videos, tools, apps, web conferences or courses at preferential rates, will make your everyday family life easier.

In collaboration with:


Also check out the Kaleido-powered podcast entitled “À la hauteur de nos tout-petits,” which provides parents of children aged 1 to 5 with compassionate guidance on the challenges of early childhood. Hosted by the wonderful Meggie Bélanger!


*in French only


Career Guidance


Help your teens make informed choices about their educational and employment future with career tips and tools from our qualified partners.

In collaboration with:

Health and

The videos and tools on healthy eating habits, along with the MonGymEnLigne fitness platform, will be handy for every member of your family.

In collaboration with:


Also check out our “Futur proche” podcast series: each 20-minute episode will help your teens discover exciting jobs and careers – and maybe even find their true calling! Hosted by the excellent Valérie Chevalier.


*in French only

Already have an RESP with Kaleido? Great!

Take advantage of all the accompanying services with your RESP.


This simple tool will help you calculate how much your child’s postsecondary education could cost.

few secondes!

Children with school bags | Discover Kaleido's RESPs
Legal Notes

1. Certain conditions and restrictions apply. The promotions, benefits and other advantages of the accompanying services are subject to change without prior notice and may not be available in certain areas.