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Welcome to Kaleido,
the RESP that does MORE!

Our family accompanying services

Opening an RESP with Kaleido gives you exclusive access to many perks for your entire family, for free or at preferential rates from our qualified partners.1 That’s right: An RESP that does more!


Homework help, speech therapy, language stimulation, remedial education, summer school, etc. All this to help your child learn.

Coaching and family life

Screen-time management, anxiety, routine and education: Tips and tools for dealing with everyday challenges.

Health and well-being

Free access to an online workout platform. For easy access to health care professionals.


Career guidance tips and tools, “Futur proche” podcast series to help your teens make informed choices.


RESP Calculator Kaleido

Tools and tips to guide you through the world of finances with budgeting, taxes and investments.

Some of our recognized partners

Legal Notes

1. Some conditions and limitations apply. The promotions, benefits and other advantages of the family accompanying services are subject to change without notice and may not be available in certain