André Roger Dongmo

Scholarship Plan Representative


About me

I'm now in my eighteenth year as a scholarship plan representative and I'm a Kaleido client myself.

I like to get involved with various communities, especially the Yemba and Bamiléké communities in Canada. I am often asked to work with new immigrant families in Canada to help them meet their specific needs.

I'm passionate about my work. Client satisfaction is important to me, and I'm always keen to make sure the sale is a good one.

What’s more, my commitment to my clients is fully in line with Kaleido’s mission: to accompany each child on their journey in order to help them reach their full potential and create the society of tomorrow.

Let's get in touch!

Extension: 4031

Education savings plans: the potential is bigger than you might think!

RESP benefits: government grants
How to get the most out of your RESP each year?
Get the most out of your RESP
Withdrawing money from an RESP: how does this work?
What’s the Smartest Way to Make RESP Withdrawals? | Kaleido Blog Article